German technology has now been integrated into Crime Scene's systems.
A new radio has been installed and is awaiting speakers. The radio recently purchased at the renowned audio store (Wal-Mart) is a long awaited addition to Crime Scenes large assortment of electronic gear.
QCYC Adventure
Rob's version of what went wrong Saturday morning.
I could see broken furniture on Stryder , and at
least a 30 year jail term for Winston.
I crouched down in my midboat bunker ,just having time to grab a beer and
waited for the fibreglass to fly.
One of my best Winston stories was almost totally ruined as he only managed
to bend the bow pulpit on CS and there did'nt appear to be damage on
Stryder . Damn! I need something better than this for next month's addition
to the 'Usual Suspects' web site . Maybe I'll be more lucky next week. "